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3D World Tee Shirt

3D World Tee Shirt

Animation | Graphics | Copy Mental Roy: 3D World tee shirt design Mental Roy design printed on tee shirts worrn by 3D World staff at various industry conferences and shows. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Lightwave...
Beaulieu Abbey Model

Beaulieu Abbey Model

Animation | Graphics | Copy Beaulieu Abbey Model of the Abbey produced for Beaulieu museum. The model is based on archeological data showing the positions of walls and pillars at the site of the original Abbey and references surviving buildings from the same period....
Zibi & Ed

Zibi & Ed

Animation | Graphics | Copy Zibi & Ed comic pages Zibi and Ed was originally developed as a series pilot for ArtGeek UK. Simon retained the rights and has been developing a comic format for the duo after an open invite from the Phoenix comic book. Created using...
Jazz Funeral

Jazz Funeral

Animation | Graphics | Copy Mental Roy: Jazz Funeral Mental Roy illustration for 3D World Magazine. Created using Lightwave...